B^3: #5: If You Have a Problem, Come with a Solution.

I can't stand complaining, problem-dumping, or non-thoughtful conversations. What I do love is problem-solving, building things, and valuing my time. If you encounter a problem or challenge, I strongly recommend Dan Martell’s "Buy Back Your Time", particularly Chapter 9 on the 1:3:1 Hack, which is designed to make delegation more effective. This method helps streamline communication and decision-making between business leaders and their teams, ensuring that the team can take more initiative and leaders can focus on higher-level tasks. There’s one nuance at the end that I’d like to add.
The 1:3:1 Method:
1: The person requesting help or making a decision should present **one clear problem or challenge**. This avoids ambiguity and ensures that the leader or manager knows exactly what’s being addressed. This is 50% of the solution.
3: After outlining the problem, the team member should provide **three possible solutions**. This forces them to think critically and consider multiple approaches, rather than expecting the leader to generate all the ideas.
1: Finally, the team member should recommend **one preferred solution** based on their analysis. They need to explain why this solution is the best, demonstrating ownership and thoughtfulness.
Key Takeaways:
- This method empowers team members to bring forward solutions, not just problems.
- It helps leaders stay focused on higher-level decisions, as they no longer need to micromanage every issue.
- The framework fosters a culture of accountability and decision-making within the team.
The Ben Twist:
Here’s the extra layer I’m adding: If you can frame the final "1" of the 1:3:1 method into a yes-or-no question, you'll save a ton of time and force even more thoughtful consideration. If you receive a "yes" or "no" that challenges the path you thought best, the groundwork of the 1:3:1 method provides you with all the thinking you need to negotiate your point effectively!
- Ben